plymouth version conflict?

Daniel Baumann daniel.baumann at
Sat Dec 5 18:10:57 CET 2020

On 12/5/20 5:50 PM, Stan Schymanski wrote:
> Yes, but how could I have found out that I need to install gawk? It
> did not tell me anything about gawk.

you can't automatically know because apt cannot know either (otherwise
it could and would have corrected the error in the first place). Like I
wrote later on:

  "plymouth from buster->bullseye doesn't upgrade cleanly, the
   breaks/depends should be fixed"

so you *cannot* solve the error and need to look at 'apt show plymouth'
and "parse" the package relations manually. but what you *can* get is
the name of the package in fault by iteratively work the dependency
chain down as described previously.

and more precisely to the actual problem: plymouth has a breaks against
mawk (<< 1.3.4), stable has mawk 1.3.3-17.

the current maintainer of plymouth in debian (fun fact: I introduced
plymouth 2009 in debian and maintained it until 2014 :) hasn't
understood how breaks work here, it should have been a "Depends: mawk
(>> 1.3.4) | gawk" instead, which would allow a proper upgrade
buster->bullseye (or in this case, buster->buster-backports).


Berner Fachhochschule / Bern University of Applied Sciences
Services / IT-Services
Daniel Baumann
Teamleiter Linux & Infrastructure Services
Dammweg 3, CH-3013 Bern
Telefon direkt +41 31 848 48 22
Telefon Servicedesk +41 31 848 48 48
daniel.baumann at

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